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Friday, July 11, 2014

Top 10 Fruits for Diabetics

Friday, July 11, 2014 - 0 Comments

According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million Americans have diabetes and by 2020 half of all Americans will suffer from this disease.

Diabetes causes high blood sugar (glucose) levels due to lack of insulin production or function. It is mainly classified as either Type 1, in which the body fails to produce insulin, or Type 2, in which the body is not able to properly use the insulin it produces.

It is essential to control diabetes because it can lead to a host of health complications including kidney failure, nerve damage, blindness, heart attacks, strokes, poor blood circulation, hearing loss and many more.

A healthy lifestyle that includes a proper diet, exercise, proper sleep, less stress and so on plays a major role in controlling blood glucose levels. A diabetes diet plan should include foods that are high in nutrients, low in fat, moderate in calories and few sugary foods.

As fruits are generally sweet, people often think that a diabetic person should avoid eating them. But there are several fruits that are particularly effective at managing blood sugar. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients, fruits are a healthy addition to any diet.

Some fruits are better than others for diabetics. Moreover, diabetics also need to consider factors like glycemic index and glycemic load as they offer information on how different foods affect blood sugar and insulin levels.

Low glycemic index foods are believed to have a beneficial effect on blood glucose control as they do not significantly impact blood sugar levels. Usually, foods with a glycemic index score of 55 and below are classified as low glycemic index foods. Those with a glycemic index score of 70 and above are considered high glycemic index foods.

top 10 fruits for diabetes

Here are the top 10 fruits for diabetics.

1. Apples
The crunchy, juicy and sweet apples may offer protection against diabetes. Apples are high in soluble fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. They also contain pectin that helps detoxify the body and remove harmful waste products as well as lowers the insulin requirements of diabetics by up to 35%.

Plus, apples help prevent heart attacks, reduce the risk of cancer and ward off eye diseases among diabetic people.

Glycemic index: ranges from 30 to 50

Suggested serving size: One small to medium-sized apple daily is recommended.

2. Cherries
Cherries have one of the lowest ratings of any fruit on the glycemic index at 22. Cherries contain antioxidants, beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, fiber and folate.

Plus, cherries contain anthocyanins that are known to help lower blood sugar by increasing insulin production by up to 50 percent. They also help fight heart disease, cancer and other diseases that are common among diabetic people.

Suggested serving size: Cherries can be eaten fresh, canned, frozen or dried. One-half cup of cherries a day is a good option.

3. Black Plums
Black plums, also known as Jambul or Jamun, can help a lot in controlling blood sugar. Researchers from the Father Muller Medical College in India looked at the effects of black plums in the treatment of diabetes. The presence of anthocyanins, ellagic acid and hydrolysable tannins in black plums makes this fruit extremely beneficial for diabetic people.

The fruit helps control the conversion of carbohydrates into blood sugar. The excessive thirst and frequent urination problems common among diabetic people can also be controlled by this fruit. Along with the fruit, the leaves, berry and seeds of the black plum tree can be used to control blood sugar level.

Suggested serving size: One-half cup of black plums daily is recommended, when the fruit is available in the market. You can also make a powder of dried seeds and eat one teaspoon of the powder with water twice a day.

4. Guava
Guava has a high concentration of lycopene, a high amount of dietary fiber and a good amount of vitamin C and potassium. All these nutrients are helpful in maintaining the blood sugar level.

Those who are at a risk of developing diabetes can help prevent it by drinking guava leaf tea. Dry the guava leaves and crush them. Boil one tablespoon of crushed guava leaves in hot water. Let it steep for five minutes, and then strain it. Drink this tea once daily.

Suggested serving size: Eat one whole or sliced guava without the peel daily. Alternatively, you can drink a small glass of guava juice.

5. Grapefruit
Grapefruit is one of the American Diabetes Association’s recommended superfoods for diabetes. It is high in soluble fiber and vitamin C, and has a low glycemic index at 25.

Plus, grapefruit contains the flavonoid known as naringenin that increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin and also helps you maintain a healthy weight, which is an important factor in preventing and controlling diabetes.

Suggested serving size: Half of a large grapefruit (about three-quarters of a cup) daily will help manage your blood sugar level. Eating the fruit, rather than drinking the juice, provides the most benefits related to diabetes.

6. Avocado
Because of its high fiber and healthy monounsaturated fat content, avocado helps steady blood sugar. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, monounsaturated fats also improve heart health. Diabetic people are at an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. Plus, avocado contains a good amount of potassium, a mineral that helps prevent diabetic neuropathy.

Suggested serving size: One medium-sized avocado daily is good for diabetics. You can include avocados in salads and sandwiches, or make a salad dressing by pureeing it with a little lemon juice, garlic and olive oil.
7. Strawberries
strawberry plant
strawberry plant

Strawberries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and fiber that can help control your blood sugar level. In fact, the antioxidants in strawberries help lower the risk of heart disease by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol, maintaining or improving HDL (good) cholesterol, and lowering blood pressure.

Plus, strawberries are low in carbohydrates and have a low glycemic index at 40. When you eat strawberries, they help you to feel full for longer, keep your blood sugar level steady and increase your energy level.

Suggested serving size: Three-quarters of a cup of strawberries daily is considered good for diabetic people.
You can add fresh strawberries to cereals or salads, eat them as a healthy snack and use them to make low-sugar desserts.

8. Oranges
orange tree

Oranges are one of the healthiest fruits that can be included in a regular diet for diabetes. Oranges are not very high in natural sugar and contain high amounts of fiber, vitamin C and other minerals like thiamin that help manage blood sugar levels.

Plus, oranges are also categorized as a low glycemic index food that helps to slowly release glucose into the blood. Also, oranges can help control or reduce weight, one of the risk factors for diabetes.

Glycemic index: ranges from 31 to 51

Suggested serving size: One small orange in your diet daily can help keep your diabetes and blood sugar level under control. Drinking orange juice does not provide the same benefit, as its lacks the fiber content.

9. Pears

Pears are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and E as well as fiber, which help regulate blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, boost the immune system and improve digestive health. Plus, pears are low in carbohydrates and calories, and have a rating of 38 on the glycemic index.

Pears are particularly beneficial for people who have Type 2 diabetes because they help improve insulin sensitivity.

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Suggested serving size: When craving something sweet, diabetics can eat a small or medium-sized pear. You can enjoy a pear for dessert or as a sweet snack.

10. Kiwi

A positive correlation has been found between kiwi consumption and lowering blood sugar levels. Kiwi contains vitamin C, E and A, flavonoids, potassium and high amounts of beta-carotene that offer protection from free radicals and improve overall health.

Plus, kiwi is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates, which aids in controlling blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol.

Glycemic index:  ranges from 47 to 58.

Suggested serving size: Eating one kiwi daily will help control blood glucose levels and provide a healthy alternative to snacks high in fat or sugar.

Eat these fruits in moderation to manage your blood sugar level as well as satisfy your sweet tooth!


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Top 10 Health Benefits of Oranges

Tuesday, July 8, 2014 - 0 Comments

Oranges are a delicious fruit with a tangy flavor and an uplifting smell. They are packed with vitamins A, B and C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, choline and other nutrients.

Plus, the fruit has more than 170 phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Thus, it combats diseases, provides nutrition and fights aging effects.

Most health benefits of this citrus fruit have been attributed to its high vitamin C content. Interestingly, Italian researchers found that drinking a glass of orange juice provides better protective benefits than merely taking vitamin C supplements.

However, to use orange juice effectively for your health, drink it in moderation. Excessive consumption of the juice can cause tooth decay or wear away tooth enamel due to its sugar and acidic content.

top 10 orange fruit health benefits

Here are the top 10 health benefits of oranges.

1. Boosts Immunity
Being a citrus fruit, oranges are loaded with vitamin C that is essential for strengthening the immune system. Vitamin C promotes the production of white blood cells that fight against viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders.

Moreover, oranges contain plenty of polyphenols that protect against viral infections. Plus, they provide vitamin A, folate and copper, all nutrients that play a crucial role in boosting immunity.

Eat a few oranges or drink a glass or two of orange juice daily to give a boost to your immune system.

2. Rejuvenates Skin
The high vitamin C content in oranges makes them an excellent fruit for clear and flawless skin. This antioxidant vitamin combats skin damage caused by exposure to sun and environmental pollution. In addition, it plays a key role in the formation of collagen, thereby improving skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles.

To derive the skin benefits of this citrus fruit, you can eat oranges, drink orange juice and also apply orange juice to your skin.

You can even use the peels of the fruit to make a face mask. The citric acid in the peels lightens and brightens the skin and also opens up clogged pores. Check out our recipe for a homemade dried orange peel face mask.

3. Lowers Cholesterol
Oranges contain pectin, a soluble fiber that traps cholesterol and eliminates it from the body before it is absorbed in the bloodstream. Plus, they contain the flavonone hesperidin that has been found to lower cholesterol as well as blood pressure levels.

In fact, research indicates that the flavanones present in orange juice lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and also increase the ratio of good-to-bad cholesterol.

So, include an orange as well as a glass of fresh orange juice in your regular diet to combat cholesterol problems. Drinking two glasses of fresh orange juice daily will also help lower high blood pressure.

4. Heart Healthy
Being rich in antioxidants, folate and potassium, oranges are great for heart health. The antioxidants, particularly vitamin C, present in oranges protect the arteries from free radicals and prevent the oxidation of cholesterol.

Also, oranges have phytochemicals that prevent platelets from sticking together and strengthen blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells.

Folate, or vitamin B9, processes the amino acid homocysteine in the body. High levels of homocysteine may cause a heart attack, irrespective of a person’s cholesterol levels.

Potassium is another crucial nutrient for heart health as it plays a key role in heart functions and muscle contractions. Plus, research has found that the flavonone hesperidin present in the fruit and its juice contributes to vascular protective effects.

So, eat a fresh orange or drink a glass of orange juice daily to maintain heart health.

5. Protects Against Rheumatoid Arthritis
According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, drinking one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice daily can assist in reducing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis.

Being a good source of the antioxidant vitamin C, orange juice helps reduce swelling and inflammation of the joints. Moreover, its phytonutrients zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin protect against oxidative damage that can result in inflammation.

6. Prevents Kidney Stones
The high vitamin C present in oranges is excellent for kidney health too. It helps reduce the risk of developing calcium oxalate kidney stones by increasing the level of citrate in the urine, which neutralizes acids and inhibits kidney stone formation by reducing the crystallization of uric acid and calcium oxalate.

In fact, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center suggest that drinking a glass of orange juice daily can be more effective in preventing kidney stones than other citrus fruit juices.
7. Aids Weight Loss
orange weight loss

Oranges are an incredible superfood for weight loss. The high fiber and vitamin C content of the fruit promotes weight loss. The fiber keeps you feeling full and helps you eat less throughout the day and vitamin C converts glucose into energy and helps burn fat. Plus, oranges are a great low-calorie and fat-free source of nutrients required for a healthy body.

For best results, start your day with an orange and also drink a glass of fresh orange juice daily. Stay away from packaged fruit juices though, as many are loaded with sweeteners and preservatives.

8. Prevents Cancer

Oranges also help prevent cancer because of their antioxidant compounds, such as hesperidin and naringenin that fight free radicals.

Zeaxanthin and carotenoids, in particular, protect against different types of cancers, especially prostate cancer. The compounds called limonoids present in the fruit fight cancers of the mouth, breast, lung, skin, stomach and colon.

Parents will also want to know that a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that the intake of oranges, orange juice and bananas in the first two years of life may cut the risk of developing childhood leukemia. Furthermore, orange juice contributes to chemoprevention against mammary, hepatic and colon cancers.
9. Keeps Eyes Healthy
orange for eyes

Yellow and orange-colored fruits and vegetables are excellent for eyes as they are rich in beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A which is vital for your eyes.

In addition to beta-carotene, oranges contain other carotenoids that are converted in the body to vitamin A. The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, for example, have been shown to protect against chronic eye diseases.

Plus, the vitamin C and other antioxidants in oranges reduce the risk of developing cataracts and slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration.

10. Fights Aging
delays aging

Oranges are considered a good anti-aging fruit because it contains antioxidant compounds that fight free radicals, which contribute to aging and a number of degenerative diseases.

Research suggests that vitamin C, which oranges have in abundance, is an essential antioxidant vitamin in this regard. In fact, one cup of orange juice can fulfill one-fifth of the body’s daily requirement of vitamin C.

Oranges also prevent premature aging of skin as vitamin C and beta-carotene facilitate skin repair.


Monday, July 7, 2014

Top 10 Health Benefits of Cloves

Monday, July 7, 2014 - 0 Comments

Cloves are small, nail-shaped dried flower buds that come from the evergreen clove tree. They have a sweet, somewhat penetrating flavor and are often used in cooking as well as baking. Apart from its culinary uses, cloves can also play a key role in keeping your body healthy and free from many diseases.

The health benefits of cloves as well as clove oil can be attributed to their antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, aphrodisiac, antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Cloves have at least 36 different ingredients, the most important being an essential oil called eugenol. Plus, cloves are rich in potassium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, dietary fiber, iodine, vitamins K and C, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium and magnesium.

In Ayurveda and Chinese medicine, the dried flower buds, leaves, stems as well as the oil are used to make medicine. Whole cloves, powdered cloves and the oil can be easily found in the market year round.

The natural health benefits of cloves are simply amazing and you may be surprised to learn of their medicinal power.

health benefits of cloves

Here are the top 10 health benefits of cloves.

1. Soothes Toothaches
When it comes to toothaches, one effective natural treatment is cloves or clove oil. Their anti-inflammatory and analgesic components will help reduce the swelling around an infected tooth and relieve pain. Plus, their antiseptic property will help fight the infection in the affected area and prevent it from spreading.

Simply dab a little clove oil on a cotton ball and rub it on the sore tooth and the surrounding gums. Alternatively, you can grind two cloves, mix in a little olive oil and apply this mixture on the affected area.
If you have clove leaves, place one crushed leaf on the painful tooth and leave it there for a few minutes.
2. Stops Bad Breath
Being a natural antiseptic, cloves are very helpful in getting rid of bad breath. Cloves can kill bacteria in the mouth that cause bad breath. Plus, they help clean bacteria and decaying matter from the tongue, palate and upper part of the throat. Their strong aromatic qualities also help combat foul bad breath.

Simply chew a few pieces of cloves and within a few minutes your bad breath will be gone.
You can also gargle with cool clove tea two or three times a day.
3. Treats Nausea and Vomiting
Cloves can also relieve nausea due to their aromatic and soothing properties. They can even be used to treat pregnancy-related nausea and morning sickness.

To get relief from nausea, put a few drops of clove oil on a handkerchief and inhale the smell. You can also chew one or two cloves.
To stop vomiting, mix the powder of cloves with honey and swallow it. You can also mix a few drops of clove oil in a glass of warm water and drink it slowly.
4. Improves Digestion
Due to their carminative properties (prevent gas formation and relieve flatulence), cloves play a key role in the digestion process. They help boost digestion by promoting the production of enzymes present in the digestive tract.

Cloves also help relax the smooth lining of the gastrointestinal tract, in turn alleviating vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal gas, gastric irritability and stomach aches.

In addition, the essential oils in cloves are highly effective in reducing inflammation and killing bacteria in the stomach to help keep stomach infections at bay.

Simply add a little of this herb to your foods to improve digestion. Also, you can eat a clove after a meal as a mouth freshener.

5. Relieves Joint Pain
Due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, clove oil can reduce inflammation and alleviate joint pain, muscle aches and arthritis pain. Being rich in calcium, omega-3 fatty acids and iron, clove oil also improves the strength of your joints and bones.

Use a little clove oil mixed with a carrier oil like olive oil to massage painful joints, sore muscles and parts of the body affected by arthritis and rheumatism. Do this several times a day.
Another option is to roast a few cloves, wrap them in a soft cloth and place the pouch on the affected body part while it is still warm until your pain is lessened.
6. Improves Respiratory Conditions
Both cloves and clove oil have been found to be very effective for the respiratory system due to their expectorant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

They can be used to treat the common cold, stuffy nose, sore throat, viral infections, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis and various sinus conditions. Plus, this spice may also act as a potential chemoprotective agent for lung cancer.

Simply drink two to three cups of clove tea daily when you are suffering from a respiratory condition.
You can also add clove oil to hot water and inhale the aromatic steam.
To prevent many respiratory problems, chew on one or two cloves on a regular basis.
7. Treats Headaches

Whether you have a headache due to tension, a migraine or cold, clove oil can help get rid of it quickly. Clove oil has pain-relieving as well anti-inflammatory properties. Plus, the cooling and soothing effect of the oil will help relieve pain.

Simply put a few drops of clove oil on a piece of cloth or tissue and place it on your forehead and leave it on for about 15 minutes to help open the blood vessels and alleviate your headache.
Another option is to mix one teaspoon of sea salt and two or three drops of clove oil in two teaspoons of almond oil, coconut oil or any carrier oil and massage it on your forehead.
8. Eases Earaches

The mild anesthetic and antibacterial properties present in cloves can give instant relief from an earache and treat ear infections.

Combine equal amounts of clove oil and sesame oil and slightly warm the mixture. Soak a cotton ball in the mixture and place it just inside the ear canal. The pain will quickly subside and it will help fight any infection that may be present.
Another option is to mix one tablespoon of crushed cloves in one-fourth cup of hot olive oil. Let it sit for 30 minutes and then strain. Put a few drops of this oil in the affected ear, leave it in the ear for at least 10 minutes, and then drain it out.
9. Cures Acne

Cloves can also be used to treat acne and related skin problems like blackheads, whiteheads, pimples, scarring and scaly skin. They are also very effective in preventing blemishes or marks that usually appear after acne has subsided.

Plus, the antimicrobial properties in cloves help kill bacteria and thus reduce the possibility of acne spreading to unaffected areas

To treat acne, mix clove oil with jojoba or coconut oil in a ratio of 1:10 and apply it on the affected area using a cotton swab twice daily until you get the desired result.

10. Fights Stress

Due to its strong yet soothing aroma, cloves can help you relax and reduce stress. Stress often causes the body’s muscles to become tense. Eugenol, a component present in cloves, is a well-known muscle relaxant.

Add a few drops of clove oil to your bath water to help you relax while having a long relaxing soak. It will soothe your senses and relieve stress in the body.
You can also drink a cup of clove tea to relieve stress.
With all of the health benefits that you can get from this herb, it’s a great idea to keep this spice handy. Bear in mind that too much use of cloves or clove oil at a time can have a negative impact on your health. So, in case of any doubt related to dosage, consult a doctor.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Fast

Saturday, July 5, 2014 - 0 Comments

Dark discoloration of the skin under the eye is mainly referred to as dark circles. It is also known as dark rings or shadows. Some of the main causes behind the formation of dark circles are hereditary, aging, dryness of skin, too much crying, working for long hours before the computer, mental or physical stress, lack of sleep and unhealthy diet plan. Both men and women of different age groups can have dark circles.
Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but people often look for ways to get rid of dark circles as it usually make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and old. You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes with the help of some simple and easy home remedies.
dark circles

Here are top 10 ways to get rid of Dark Circles fast.

1. Cucumber

Cucumber is a very good astringent and has got skin lightening properties also. For quick treatment of dark circles you can always rely on cucumber. Get a fresh cucumber and cut it into thick slices and keep them in the refrigerator for half an hour. Now put the cucumber slices onto the affected skin area for about ten minutes. Finally wash the area with plain water. This remedy will have a soothing and refreshing affect on the skin. Another way to treat dark circles is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal quantities, then apply it with the help of a cotton ball over the affected skin. Leave for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with water. Follow this remedy for a week and soon the puffiness of the eyes and dark circles will vanish.

2. Raw Potato

There are natural bleaching agents present in potato that can help lighten the dark circles and get rid of puffiness around the eyes. Take one or two chilled potatoes and grate them to extract its juice. Now soak a cotton ball in the potato juice and place it on to your closed eyes. Make sure the juice covers the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids. Allow the juice to sit for ten to fifteen minutes and finally rinse your eyelids properly with cool water and apply a cream. Instead of potato juice you can also use thick potato slice to remove dark circles.

3. Tomato

Tomato has also got certain properties that can lighten skin color to a great extent. Take a teaspoon of tomato juice and mix it with one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the dark circles in a very gentle manner and allow it to sit for ten minutes. Finally rinse it off gently with clean water. Follow this remedy twice a day to reduce the dark circles. Even drinking a glass of tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt can help a lot in getting rid of dark circles. But be sure to drink this solution immediately after making it for maximum result.

4. Rose Water

To get quick rid of dark circles you can take advantage of the incredible skin care properties present in rose water. Take cotton eye pads and soak them in rose water for a few minutes. Put these soaked eye pads on your closed eye lids for about fifteen minutes. Rose water will have a soothing effect on the eyes and it will also rejuvenate the skin around the eyes. This particular remedy can completely remove the dark circles if followed regularly twice daily for a few weeks.

5. Almond Oil

Almond oil is another natural ingredient which is very beneficial for the delicate skin around your eyes. Regular usage of almond oil will lighten the skin color around the eyes. Take a little almond oil and apply it over the dark circles before going to bed and gently massage it. Leave it overnight and wash it off with cold water the next morning. Follow this remedy daily until the dark circles under the eyes disappear almost entirely. Apart from almond oil you can also use Vitamin E oil to eliminate dark patches of skin under the eyes.

6. Lemon Juice

The bleaching properties of vitamin C present in lemon juice can also help to remove dark circles under the eyes. You can apply fresh lemon juice with the help of cotton ball around your eyes and rinse it off after ten minutes. Another option is to make a thick paste by adding one tablespoon of lemon juice to two tablespoon of tomato puree, a pinch of gram flour and turmeric powder. Apply this thick paste gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after ten to fifteen minutes. Repeat this process twice or thrice every week and soon the skin tone around your eyes will become lighter and eventually the dark circles will go away.

7. Cold Water

Cold water can constrict the blood vessels under the eyes and help a lot to reduce eye puffiness and dark circles. Take a washcloth soaked in cold water or cold milk and put it directly over your closed eye lids for several minutes. Alternatively, you can also wrap a few ice cubes in a soft napkin and place it under your eyes. Instead of an ice pack, you can also use a bag of frozen peas, a chilled teabag and a cold spoon. Repeat the process three to four times daily for a few weeks.

8. Apple

Apple can also be used to remove dark circles in a natural way. The tannic acid present in apple can lighten the skin tone. At the same time water soluble vitamins B and C, as well as potassium present in apple give the much needed nourishment to the delicate skin around the eyes. Take one ripe apple and cut it into thick pieces. Put the apple slices under your eyes and leave it for about half an hour. Finally you can wash the skin area with cold water and apply some cream. Another option is to make a paste of boiled green apple and then apply it under your eyes and after half an hour rinse with lukewarm water.

9. Mint Leaves

Mint leaves can give cooling effect and remove dark circles in a very natural manner. Take few fresh mint leaves and crush them gently. Now apply the crushed mint leaves around your eyes and leave it for five to ten minutes. Then gently wipe it off with a clean and cold cloth. It is one of the effective home remedies for under eye dark circles. Another option is to add mint leaves paste to tomato juice and then apply this paste on the dark circles. Allow it to sit for a few minutes and then rinse the area properly with cold water.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and hence it can be used to remove dark circles. Take turmeric powder and mix it with pineapple juice to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to the affected area and allow it to stay for about ten minutes before wiping it away with a soft damp cloth. Besides removing the dark circles it will also make the skin around your eyes smoother and softer than before. This remedy should be followed daily until you get positive results.
To conclude, the above mentioned remedies are highly effective in getting rid of awful marks around your eyes and will also prevent its occurrence in the future. However if you do not get positive results within a week or two, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

How to Get Rid of a Headache Fast

Headache is a very common health problem. People from all age groups suffer from headaches from time to time. Headache can cause unbearable pain along with nausea, and at times vomiting also. This health problem can be due to stress, tension, restlessness, sinus, migraine, lack of sleep, dehydration and so on.
There are many over the counter medicines available in the market to get rid of headache. However, instead of relying too much on such medicines you can always try some easy home remedies to get instant relief from the pain.

Here are top 10 ways to get rid of headache fast.

1. Water

If the reason behind the headache is dehydration, then you can easily get relief from the pain by drinking large amount of water. Water is very effective home remedy for headaches. Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of headache and continue taking small sips throughout the day. Once your body gets hydrated the pain will automatically start to ease. Along with water you can also have sports drinks. The electrolytes present in sports drink can treat headaches caused due to tension and dehydration. When suffering from a headache, it is advisable to stay away from any kind of drinks that can dehydrate your body.

2. Ice Pack

Using an ice pack to apply cold compress over the forehead can give quick relief from headaches. To apply cold compress you can also apply a cold cloth on your head and temples for ten minutes and again repeat the process after some time until you get some relief. A bag of frozen vegetables can also serve as an icepack. When cold compresses are placed over the forehead, it numbs the pain and helps the blood vessels to shrink and improves the blood circulation, thus giving relief from the pain. This particular remedy works when the headache is due to stress or sinus.

3. Hot Water

Applying heat on the back of your neck with the help of a hot water bag can give you relief from headache caused due to stress. When heat is applied it relaxes the tense muscles thus giving relief from the throbbing pain. Along with a hot water bag, you can also take a hot shower. Another option is fill a tub with bearable hot water and then put your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes. When you do this, blood circulation improves and thus giving your relief from the headache. For those suffering from chronic headache, must keep their legs dipped in a bucket filled with hot water for ten minutes before going to bed.

4. Lemon

Lemon is very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache pain. When you drink warm water mixed with some lemon juice, it reduces the intensity of a headache. This particular home remedy is beneficial when headache is caused due to gas in the stomach. Another option is apply lemon crust paste on the forehead to get immediate relief from the pain. At the same time you may also drink a steaming cup of lemon tea three to four times a day when suffering from headache.

5. Betel Leaves

Betel leaves are known for their analgesic as well as cooling properties which can hugely help to get rid of a headache effectively within a few minutes. For this remedy, you need to take two to three fresh betel leaves and with the help of a grinder make a fine paste out of it. Now apply this paste on the forehead and both sides of the head for half an hour. Soon you will get relief from the intense pain. At the same time you can also chew one or two betel leaves to treat headache.

6. Ginger

Ginger has got anti-inflammatory properties that can help in easing headache pain. At the same ginger helps in relaxing the blood vessels in the head and reduces swelling in the brain and activates natural opiates in the brain which helps in lessening the pain associated with tension headache. When having a headache, you must drink ginger tea three to four times a day to reduce inflammation in the body. However, it is important to take ginger tea at the very beginning of a headache. This will help the ginger to act quickly and lessen the headache.

7. Apple

When you wake up in the morning with a headache, you must eat a piece of apple by applying some salt to it and then drink some warm. Soon you will be able to get rid of persisting headache. Along with apple, you can also use apple cider vinegar to treat headache. Fill a large bowl with steaming hot water and add three to four tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into it. Now place a towel over your head and take the steam for ten to fifteen minutes. Another option is to add some apple cider vinegar to a glass full of water and drink it two to three times a day to alleviate headache.

8. Peppermint

Peppermint has got calming and soothing properties that can help in the treatment of headaches. You can make herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of dried peppermint herb in a cup of hot boiling water. Cover and allow it to steep for ten minutes, then strain it and add some honey to sweeten it before sipping it slowly. You can also use peppermint oil to gently massage the temples, jaws and the back of your neck. This will give you instant relief from the pain. In addition, inhaling the soothing aroma of peppermint steam can ease the symptoms associated with headache such as vomiting.

9. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil has got pain relieving as well anti-inflammatory properties. To quickly get rid of headache you must use eucalyptus oil to massage the forehead and temples for fifteen to twenty minutes. The oil will provide a soothing effect thus giving relief from the pain. At the same time it will also help in relaxing the tense muscles around head. Along with eucalyptus oil you can also coconut oil or almond oil to massage the forehead in order to get rid of your headache.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is another herb that can effectively treat headache. Take some cinnamon sticks and grind them to make a powder out of it. Now add some water to this powder to make a thick paste and apply it on your forehead and temples and lie down for half an hour. Soon you will get relief from headache. After some time wash your forehead with lukewarm water. This remedy is helpful when headache is caused by exposure to cold air.
So, next time when you get a headache just try some of the above mentioned natural remedies for headache and you will be able to get rid of your headache in a fast and effective manner. However, if you often suffer from headache, it is better to consult a doctor to know about the root cause behind it.

How to Get Rid of Motion Sickness

Do you get a queasy feeling whenever you travel, irrespective of the mode of transportation? If the answer is yes, then you definitely suffer from motion sickness.
Motion sickness is a very common problem and can be troublesome for people who travel a lot and disruptive for those trying to enjoy a well-deserved vacation.
Motion sickness exhibits numerous physical symptoms so it may surprise you to know the distress is born in the brain.
In normal circumstances, the eyes, inner ears, skin, and muscles send sensory information to the brain. Using that information, the brain determines the direction the body is moving. Motion sickness occurs when the body’s organs send conflicting signals that the brain cannot interpret properly.
Common symptoms of motion sickness are nauseapale skinsweatingvomitingdizziness,headacheincreased salivation and fatigue. The symptoms usually disappear after the motion stops.
There are many over-the-counter medicines and acupuncture therapies to help you deal with the situation. But those solutions are not always convenient or cheap. Instead, you can try some simple home remedies to thwart that queasy feeling before it begins.
home remedies for motion sickness
Here are the top 10 remedies to get rid of motion sickness.

1. Ginger

Ginger is a popular and effective home remedy for motion sickness due to its antiemetic (nausea-preventing) properties. Ginger aids digestion, which in turn quells nausea.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology – Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology in 2003, people who took a ginger supplement before going on a simulated amusement-park ride were less nauseated compared to those who did not. Ginger can be taken in many forms to prevent motion sickness.
  • Make a ginger tea by putting few slices of fresh ginger in a pot with two cups of water. Boil it for 10 minutes, strain and add one teaspoon of honey. Drink this ginger tea about half an hour before traveling to prevent motion sickness.
  • You can mix one teaspoon each of ginger juice and lemon juice and drink it before traveling. You can take it again when you feel uncomfortable.
  • Alternatively, swallow one-half teaspoon of finely chopped fresh ginger, with or without honey, half an hour before you start your journey.
Note: If you have a heart condition or you are pregnant, talk to your doctor before using ginger remedies.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has an alkaline and pH balancing effect on the body that can help you manage motion sickness.
  • Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey to one cup of lukewarm water. Stir it well and sip it slowly half an hour before traveling. This solution will help settle the stomach and control nausea.
  • If you already have motion sickness, you can freshen up your breath and prevent further vomiting by rinsing your mouth with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in one-half cup of water.

3. Peppermint

Peppermint can help a lot when battling a bout of motion sickness. The menthol present in peppermintcalms the stomach muscles to ease nausea and lessen motion sickness.
  • Drinking a strong cup of peppermint tea before traveling is very effective against motion sickness. Just add one tablespoon of dried peppermint leaves to a cup of boiling water. Steep it for half an hour, strain it, add one teaspoon of honey and your tea is ready.
  • Keep a peppermint candy in your mouth and suck on it slowly. This simple tip will work very well even if queasy feelings have begun.
  • You can also put a few drops of peppermint essential oil on a handkerchief and smell it whenever you need to fight off nausea and vomiting.
Note: Peppermint can interact with some medications, so ask your doctor before using peppermint remedies.

4. Lemon

Fresh lemons and fresh lemon juice contain citric acid that can settle a queasy stomach, easing nausea and vomiting while traveling. Even the smell of lemon can help bring relief as it triggers the higher brain regions to suppress the problem.
  • Mix the juice from one lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. Add one tablespoon of honey and mix it well. Sip it slowly before and during your journey.
  • You can also suck on a slice of lemon or a lemon wedge at regular intervals while traveling.
  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon into warm rice water. Add some salt and drink it before starting a journey.

5. Green Apple

The pectin in green apples helps neutralize acid in the stomach, making it very effective in preventing motion sickness. Also, the natural sugar in green apples helps settle the stomach.
  1. Extract the juice from two green apples.
  2. Add the juice from half a lemon and a pinch of black salt, also known as black Indian salt to it.
  3. Mix the ingredients well and drink it before you start your journey.
If you start feeling ill, sipping green apple juice will help you feel better.

6. Crackers

Crackers are easily digestible snacks that are excellent for settling the stomach. Salty or savory, not sweet crackers, can be used to prevent motion sickness.
Saltine crackers are considered the best because they help absorb excess acid very well. To prevent nausea and vomiting, nibble on dry crackers and wash them down with a clear, carbonated soda like ginger ale. Doing this every couple of hours on an empty stomach will reduce the chance that you will get sick.

7. Mugwort

Mugwort has been used for ages to treat indigestion, stomach pain, acidity, and motion and sea sickness. This herb can calm the stomach and stop feelings of uneasiness.
  • To prevent motion sickness, make mugwort tea by steeping an ounce of fresh mugwort leaves for 10 minutes in two cups of boiling water. This herbal tea can be consumed once a day for a few days prior to the journey.
  • To stop motion sickness, put one to two drops of mugwort oil on your tongue before you get on a plane or a ship.
Note: Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should not use this herb.

8. Olives

Olives help reduce the production of excess saliva in the mouth, making you less likely to become nauseated or throw up. Olives contain tannins, which naturally reduce saliva.
  • Simply eat a few olives before leaving on your trip.
  • If you begin to feel sick while traveling, eat an olive every few minutes until your symptoms disappear.

    9. Black Horehound

    black horehound
    Black horehound settles the nerves with its volatile oils, and hence it is considered very effective for preventing motion sickness.
    1. Mix one tablespoon each of black horehound and chamomile and two tablespoons of grated ginger into two cups of water.
    2. Boil it until the water reduces by half.
    3. Strain it and let the mixture cool.
    4. Drink this tea while it is still warm, about half an hour before traveling. You can also drink it while traveling if you start feeling nauseous.
    Note: Black horehound remedies are not suitable for people suffering from Parkinson’s or schizophrenia.

    10. Licorice

    licorice root
    Anyone who enjoys the flavor of licorice will be able to easily prevent and control motion sickness. The anti-inflammatory properties of licorice soothe the stomach’s mucus membranes as well as reduce fatigue and the urge to vomit while traveling.
    • Boil half a glass of water in a saucepan and add one teaspoon of dried licorice root to it. Remove from the heat and allow it to steep for five minutes. Strain and then drink this herbal tea half an hour before traveling.
    • You can also chew licorice candy while traveling to prevent the feeling of uneasiness and vomiting.
    Next time you need to travel, be prepared to overcome that queasy feeling that often spoils your journey. Use the remedy of your choosing at least half an hour before starting your journey.

How to Stop Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, medically known as bruxism, is one of most damaging dental disorders and a very common problem. Many people do not even realize they do it because it occurs unconsciously while awake or during sleep.
Teeth grinding refers to clenching or grinding your teeth. It is like putting 1,200 pounds of recurring pressure on the teeth, muscles, tissues and the areas around the jaw.
It can lead to problems like jaw joint disorders, jaw pain, headaches, earaches, damaged teeth and many others. The teeth clenching and grinding may also lead to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ).

The most common causes of teeth grinding include stresssuppressed anger or frustration,misaligned teeth, growth of the teeth and jaws, complications from diseases like Parkinson’s or Huntington’s, some type of parasitic infestation, and a side effect of certain medications. It is also very common among people with fibromyalgia.
Often, people become aware of the problem when they experience headaches accompanied with pain in their teeth or jaw. Some learn that they have the problem when their dentist sees damage it has done to their teeth.
Whether or not you experience symptoms resulting from the problem, it is important to put a stop to teeth grinding.
how to stop teeth grinding
Here are the top 10 ways to prevent teeth grinding.

1. Warm Compress

Applying moist heat on the jaw area is one of the best ways to prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Heat will help relax the jaw and the muscles of the mouth.
  1. Soak a washcloth in hot water and wring out the excess water.
  2. Hold the moist washcloth around the jaw area.
  3. Do this twice daily to relax your jaw muscles and prevent teeth grinding.
If you like, you can even take a warm bath before bedtime. The warmth of the water may temporarily relax your jaw muscles.

2. Massage

Gently massage the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and face in circular motion for a few minutes daily before going to sleep. It helps relieve tension in the masticatory muscles. Thus, it decreases pain and helps reduce clenching.
A full-body stress-management massage will also be beneficial as stress is usually the main cause of teeth grinding.

3. Valerian

Valerian has muscle-relaxing properties that help you relax and enjoy deep sleep. When you sleep better, there is less chance of grinding your teeth.
  • Mix a few drops of valerian essential oil in one teaspoon of olive oil and massage in onto your jaw and neck area that is close to the jaw.
  • Also, drink valerian tea regularly.

4. Lavender

Lavender has a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system due to its bioactive constituents. Plus, it induces relaxation and helps you to sleep better.
  1. Mix three or four drops of lavender essential oil in one teaspoon of almond oil or olive oil.
  2. Use this oil to massage your jaw and neck area that is close to the jaw.
  3. Do this once during the day and again before going to bed.

5. Herbal Tea

If you are tense or under stress and likely to have disturbed sleep, drink a cup of herbal tea before going to bed. Warm herbal tea will have a relaxing effect on your body.
When you are relaxed from within, there is less chance that you will grind your teeth in your sleep. Plus, a warm cup of herbal tea promotes deep sleep and relaxes the facial muscles.
Green tea and chamomile tea are the best herbal tea options. You can use packaged green tea or make a chamomile tea.
  1. Mix two teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for five minutes.
  3. Strain and add some lemon juice and honey.
  4. Drink this tea one or two hours before bedtime.

6. Turmeric Milk

Turmeric and milk when combined together can help control the problem of teeth grinding to a great extent. Milk has the amino acid tryptophan, which helps you relax and enjoy sound sleep. Also, the calcium in milk will help keep your teeth healthy. Adding turmeric to milk will enhance its health benefits and help releive pain.
  1. Heat one cup of milk.
  2. When the milk starts boiling, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder.
  3. Stir slowly until the milk becomes a rich, mustard color.
  4. Remove from heat, and add one tablespoon of honey.
  5. Drink it daily about 30 minutes before going to bed.

    7. Calcium and Magnesium

    calcium magnesium supplements
    Teeth grinding can also be reduced or stopped by taking calcium and magnesium supplements every day. Both calcium and magnesium are necessary for muscle function and nervous system health.
    Plus, these minerals support teeth strength. When there is a deficiency of calcium of magnesium in the body, you can have problems with clenching, spasms, cramps, tension and other muscle problems.
    1. Take powdered calcium and magnesium in a 2:1 ratio every day. Start with 600 milligrams of calcium and 300 milligrams of magnesium. You can gradually increase the dosage to 1000 milligrams of calcium and 400 to 600 milligrams of magnesium.
    2. Dissolve the powdered supplements in an acidic liquid like orange or grapefruit juice.
    3. Drink it daily for two months.

    8. Vitamin C

    vitamin C
    Vitamin C is highly essential for your body to function properly. This vitamin is also essential for making the key neurotransmitter dopamine, which regulates mood.
    It also plays a key role in controlling smooth muscle movements. Vitamin C deficiency has shown to affect the production of adrenaline and noradrenaline, which in turn affects the nervous system and even causes stress.
    • Take vitamin C supplements after consulting your doctor.
    • Also, try to include more foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.

      9. Deep Breathing

      deep breathing
      Deep breathing exercises are another way to prevent teeth grinding. Such breathing exercises will help you relax before going to bed. Deep breathing also eases tired muscles. The more relaxed you are, the less likely you are going to suffer from teeth grinding in your sleep.
      One hour before going to bed, practice some deep breathing exercises.

      10. Exercise

      Exercising regularly at least three times a week will help reduce stress and calm your body. Regular exercise can improve immune system and circulatory system functioning, which strengthen your ability to cope with stressful situations. Also, exercise helps you sleep better.
      After eating dinner, take a walk in the garden or engage in some other mild exercise to help relieve some of the tension and stress that may cause teeth grinding. Also, avoid taking stimulating substances like tea, coffee, or alcohol after dinner as they may worsen the problem.
      By using these simple tips and suggestions, you can easily prevent teeth grinding. However, if the problem is severe, consult a doctor. You may need to use a mouth guard or protective dental appliance (splint) while sleeping to prevent damage to your teeth.

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